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School Sirens & Bells

The sounding of the siren during the school day signals the start of the day, class changes and the end of the day.

School bell systems can be pre-programmed with weekly bell times and different signal duration.

School 2 x Bell System with programmable Timer Kit School 2 x Bell System with programmable Timer Kit
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ALL IN ONE - EASY TO INSTALL - ALL INCLUDED - SUPPORT PROVIDEDThe sounding of the metal dome bell during the school day signals the start of the day, class changes and the end of the day.Traditional school bell kit with 2 bellsDigital Timer Switch to operate a  bell, in an enclosure with built ..
School Siren Bell System with programmable Timer Kit School Siren Bell System with programmable Timer Kit
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ALL IN ONE - EASY TO INSTALL - ALL INCLUDED - SUPPORT PROVIDEDThe sounding of the siren during the school day signals the start of the day, class changes and the end of the day.This siren can be heard up to 500M outdoors.Digital Timer Switch to operate a siren or bell, in an enclosure with built in ..
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