Delivery Information
- We will process your orders as quickly as possible.
- Orders placed on weekends or holidays are processed the following business day.
- After your order is placed online you will receive a confirmation email that we have received your order and are attending to it.
- We will then check to ensure stock availability and send another email to confirm availability.
- After this you can proceed to make payment. If you email or fax us the proof of payment your order will be processed much faster.
- We use a courier company to deliver your order.
- We deliver throughout South Africa, usually within 1-5 working days subject to availability of goods and receipt of payment.
- Customers living in major centers can expect much shorter delivery times.
- Orders under R2000 value Delivery charge is only R150
- Orders over R2000 value Delivery is FREE
- (clients in extreme outlying areas on farms and small holdings may incur an additional shipping fee)
- You can ask for a specific delivery date, but not specific time of day. All deliveries are done on weekdays during normal business hours.
- We only deliver within South Africa.